Maybe It’s Only Us…Mirrors & Mazes…Week 1

Workshops & Activities

Half way through our workshop sessions working towards the exciting Maze of Mirrors for Unity Day!

During our 1st session we had a LOT of fun thinking of key words and ideals for our Utopia (ie. putting the world to rights!) which continued into the 2nd session with Kerri & Molly gathering some excellent contributions and thoughts from the crowds in Hyde Park! We’ve had everything from ‘no politicians’ to ‘more leopards climbing trees’….

Translating the words into Thomas More’s Utopian alphabet has been an interesting challenge too, we realised that the letters ‘u’ and ‘w’ weren’t used much in the 16th century…, so Margaret designed some Utopian alternatives for us to use.

The construction of our optical illusions are underway! We looked at artworks by Marcel Duchamp and Ludwig Lindley alongside some amazing examples of antique phenkistoscope designs and will use these to create some large scale ‘tricks of the eye’ to hypnotise our audience with our Utopian values!